Town residents of Maplewood, New Jersey excitedly opened a time capsule last week that was buried over a century ago in a cornerstone of an old Methodist church. WLNY's Ali Bauman was there to capture the event, as well as the big reveal of the capsule's contents hidden over a hundred years ago. The box, marked "1836 to 1898", was discovered as the old Hilton Methodist Church was being demolished for a new apartment complex to be constructed in its place. Developer, Mark Carelli said he had a feeling there would be something in the cornerstone of the original building. Carelli said, "We saw there was a metal box cut into the bottom of it, and at that point, I knew there was something there." When the box was opened, among the artifacts was an almost perfect two cent copy of the Newark Evening News from July 8,1898. Even the youngest of residents appreciated seeing the town history unfold at the time capsule event. Ayla Katz, age 9, said, "It's from such a long time ago and it would be really cool if you could see something that was like from 1898." The paper, coins and other documents will be encased for permanent public display in Maplewood.
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