The memories and personal artifacts of Holocaust survivors are being collected for a time capsule to mark the future 50th anniversary of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Organizers announced this week that the time capsule will travel to cities across the country for the chance to collect fragile mementos and personal stories from survivors all over the world.

Museum Director, Sara J. Bloomfield says the time capsule will travel to communities where survivors can properly donate their treasured items and notes with the hope of educating future generations. With aging survivors and delicate papers and artifacts, there is a sense of urgency to gather and protect the personal narratives and belongings with the best technology available. She says, "Every day the museum engages in a battle to rescue truth and keep Holocaust memory alive - a battle that will only intensify with each passing year."
After the items are received, they will be stored and displayed in the state-of-the-art David and Fela Shapell Family Collections and Conservation Center in Maryland. The center, which houses special preservation laboratories, vaults and microclimates, will be a hub for education and research. Bloomfield says, "That's why the Shapell Center is a building for the ages. It's a gift to the future - about humanity for humanity." She says, "Having survivors who have entrusted us with their personal treasures, and include their message to future generations, is an important part of that gift." The time capsule will be opened in 2043 on the 50th anniversary of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC.
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